Dark Ravvier is a RPG game that still in project. if not failed, this game will participated in ABS Challenge at forum RMID. well, I know i must pending my big project RPG, it is Ultima Crystal. maybe i will posting a new post about that game.
Walkthrough about the game :
This game was settled around at 1200 years, its about a destruction world that causing by a Parasite that spreading around the world so quickly, and the man who created it was Zalbore. a greatest Professor in that period, no one can beat him in the race of making a technology, specially biology weapons.
When the Parasite released without conscius, no one that can survive and instantly turning into a savage monster. but not until that, Zalbore still wants more, and he want to make a better Parasite that before.
Fortunately, our main character that can we choose from, Regina and Alex. can survive from that parasite with Alex's Pendant that called " Soul Accrestment " that possessed a powerful magic. and then, the story was began with Regina and Alex were attacked by a horrible monster that can explode in no time, feeling cannot beat that monster, they escaped and hiding in an old building, it is a Haunted House.
After that, the game is finally begin with a basic tutorial that communicative enough. then, after passing a basic tutorial, a cut scene is begin. Regina and Alex finally meet each other in a room that have a furnace in the middle of that room. their feels something fishy in this place, and the both of their felt some one is talking to them, Regina consider that the voice was from a ghost, and this building is haunted.
After a small conservation, their began walking and finding that the monster was followed them from behind.
because there is no way to escape, finally their decided to fight that monster. but, something wrong with that monster because that monster is so calm no, they don't know why and standing to see what that monster is trying to do.
suddenly, something happened. immediately that monster move so fast to concern them. and then, that monster start to exploding. because of that explode, Regina and Alex was separated by a wall. there is no way except trying to reach Ravvier alone. after this cut scene, the first stage was began.
Character info :
*don't ask me if the picture is unavailable!
Age : 17
Blood Type : A
Zodiac : Gemini
Class : Gunner
Weapon : Gun
Spell : Elemental Magic
*don't ask me if the picture is unavailable!
Age : 19
Blood Type : O
Zodiac : Leo
Class : Soul Knight
Weapon : Scythe
Spell : Offensive Magic
Features :
Dark Ravvire is RPG game that using ABS System ( Active Battle System ), same platformed as Ragnarok Online, Diablo, and other games that come with ABS system ( mostly MMORPG ). the feature that listed are:
- Character Select, this game have two character that have a different story. so, you will choose a character as Regina or Alex in the beginning of the game.
- Stages and Secret Rooms, each level is divided with stages, and each stages you will found a secret room that comes with a trap!
- Upgrading System, this game is using a upgrading system that appearing as a crystal. only from crystal you can upgrade spell, and your equipment.
- Soul, soul is a spirit that you will get if you kill an enemy, only with this you can upgrade.
- Spell, don't worry if you can't survive from an Aggressive and uncountable enemies, a spell magic can help you to survive from that monster.
- Beastiary, enemy will automaticaly detected when you begin a stage, inside the Beastiary is an info about a monster that will help you to find the weakness of that monster.
here is a screenshots inside the game: