
Ultima Crystal : Explore the amazing world of Celesa with Ara and her accompanies, join in this full magical adventures RPG.

Monday, June 25, 2012

UC Update 3, Applying Mimic Skill

DQ Mimic Chest
In the beginning, I have a problem with Esme Lepane, an another playable character in Ultima Crystal that will appears in the middle of chapter 2. The problem is, the other characters has their own special abilities, whereas she didn't. I bet, in the future she will becomes a useless character. To prevent it, I came up with my mind to add a special ability to her, a mimic skill. And for a million times, I become a wannabe scripter again for a while, sigh. Because, I have to implemented the mimic ability system to the main script battle system of Ultima Crystal.

Esme Lepane
As an explanation, Mimic skill is an ability to capture the enemy skills, just like Blue magic that you can found  in Final Fantasy series. This ability is like a watch and learn skill. you can learn this skill just from taken a damage by enemy's skill, or else that involve the enemy's skill.

I use ACBS (Atoa's Custom Battle System) for the main script battle system of Ultima Crystal, and there's no add-on like a mimic skill system that this script version I use yet. so I have to add it manually with my amateur RGSS scripting knowledge, I hope it's works, because not all add-on scripts from the outside is compatible in ACBS. 

Gringe Pud
First, I tried the blue magic system by Dervvulfman, found in save-point.org. In the first trial, I tested it with using Fhelia and Azure fought a Gringe pud. Then set its skill, pollenide to be capturable. but, before the battle begins, I increased this monster's def incredibly so it's became untouchable, but with a very weak magic def, so it can be taken down just with a single hit by a magic. And the battle begins, attack it in a few turns, then activated the mimic skill, then kill it with a magic. After the battle, I checked the skill menu, and, it works! the pollenide is available to use. thanks to Dervvulfman to make this awesome script to be able to compatible with ACBS. With this, I don't have to try the other scripts.

Pollenide has been learned!
Just a little further, I did a little experiment to the script, I want to make it noticeable when the mimic succeed    learned the skill, I want a 'Mimic succeed!' message appears after activated the mimic skill if it's succeed. And to be honest, this little experiment, took me in days.

I edited the RPG::Sprite section (in the set damage pop part), just add a small codes and change it a little, then tested it, it doesn't happen at all. 

Started to thinking and thinking what's wrong with it. I forgot to set its coordinates, sigh.

Then, I tested for the second time, It appeared! but, still there's something wrong with it, it's like the message is appeared so jaggy and it's like a mozaic. 

Maybe I was wrong to place the codes, so I move it, and it appeared normally! But, I found another problem, when the damage pops is more than a digit, the message is appear in a double. Imagine if it took 99999 damages, how much this message will appear?
The Trials with so many failures
So, I gave up and make an alternative to make it still noticeable. when the mimic successful, the damage color will turn yellow, a flash screen appear, and then a chime sound. I implemented it, and it works fluently. 
yellow text, flash screen, and a chime sound.
well, at least the system worked. and I will be retire a while for be a scripter, and back to be an artist. I proud to be an artist, the end.

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